Interactive, generative installation
by LIA & Miguel Carvalhais
Commissioned by
The Media Centre Huddersfield, UK
Aus Lage [in Arbeit]
by Lia & Miguel Carvalhais
Media Centre, Huddersfield, UK – 2003/010/03-2004/01/12
Media artist and graphic programmer Lia [Austria], and designer and musician Miguel
Carvalhais [Portugal] have created a time based audio visual interactive[?] installation work, commissioned by The Media Centre and specifically designed for the Medialounge.
Over recent years Lia and Miguel have been collaborating on various projects such as
@c + lia [developing the relationship between digital audio and images, performed in realtime], Revdesign and online digital and interactive art projects.
Aus Lage [in Arbeit] is a dramatic new departure for Lia and Miguel. The new work is a large scale projection which responds over three months to the non-movement of visitors to the space. Both the visual outputs and intrinsic soundscape are programmed using generative coding techniques producing an unexpected abstract environment, which evolves over the three months of the installation. Various loops and sequences combine in different cycles to produce an ever changing cycle of formal elements, changing shapes, building the soundscape and shifting between monochrome and the full spectrum of colours.
Technical Requirements (2003)
1 g5, osX.3 panther installed, minimum 512 RAM
1 projector, 1024 x 786
1 iSight camera (or similar model, usable on osX.3)
1 stereo soundsystem
1 dark room/space