The images were included in the
Sunday issue of the daily Austrian newspaper diePresse: “Freiraum”, 2010/08/29
and in the
Slanted Magazine #15 Experimental
Illustrations, page 24f., 2011/09
Info about “Die Presse”
Each Sunday issue of the Austrian newspaper “Die Presse” contains four pages about creative industries, including a page that is filled with work by an invited ‘Creative Person’, responding to a different theme every week. As my installations ‘Arcs 21’ and ‘ProximityOfNeeds’ were in an exhibition called ‘Mind & Matter’ at Künstlerhaus Vienna at the time, I was asked to include the words ‘Mind & Matter’ in the work. In addition, I was asked to make a statement about the differentiation between ‘artists’ and ‘creative workers’. I wrote “Der Unterschied zwischen Kunst und Kreativarbeit liegt in der Verwendung und beim Betrachter”, which can be translated as “The differences between art and creative work lie in their use and in their beholder.”
Freiraum – Die Presse:
Slanted Magazine #15 Experimental: